CARM, Release 2

Good day,

This notice is to advise of an important change that will take effect on October 21, 2024, with the launch of CARM, Release 2.

Currently, Canadian Customs clearance transactions are composed of 14 digits.

In CARM R2, all customs clearance transactions will be composed of 19 digits.

The 5 additional digits will serve to indicate the version number of the transaction. This is effectively the number of versions or revisions that exist of the CAD (Customs Accounting Document, formerly known as the B3).

For example, the transaction 14969123456789 will become 1496912345678900001 in CARM R2 at the time of clearance. If an adjustment is made to the entry, such as a drawback, the transaction becomes 1496912345678900002.

On all reports, forms, data feeds, etc. Omnitrans will indicate the full 19-digit transaction number, with the exception of pre-CARM transactions.

We recommend that all importers that load customs transaction data to their systems make arrangements to extend the field length of the transaction number to accommodate this change.

For any questions regarding this notice, please contact your Client Relations Consultant.