CBSA initiates undertaking review on sucker rods from from Argentina, Brazil and Mexico

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has initiated undertaking reviews, pursuant the Special Import Measures Act, in relation to certain sucker rods from exporting parties Metalmecanica S.A. from Argentina, Confab Industrial S.A. from Brazil, and Tubos de Acero de Mexico S.A. from Mexico.

Back in December 2019, following a complaint by a Canadian manufacturer, the CBSA and the Canadian International Trade Tribunal had determined that certain sucker rods from Argentina, Brazil and Mexico were dumped and that the dumping caused injury to the domestic industry.

Then, in March 2020 the CBSA accepted undertakings from the exporting parties from the named countries and suspended the investigation. An undertaking is an offer made voluntarily by an exporter to the President of the CBSA to increase the selling price of goods so that the margin of dumping or the injury to Canadian industry is eliminated.

The CBSA will make a determination in this undertaking review no later than January 27, 2025.

Link: Notice of initiation of undertaking review