Original Bills of Lading


  1. Consigned to bank – OBL must be endorsed by the bank; if not, or if missing, a bond of indemnity is required. A cable-release may also be acceptable.

  2. Consigned to order – OBL must be endorsed by the shipper; if not, or if missing, all 3 originals must be provided. If made to order of the bank, the OBL must be endorsed by the bank.

  3. Consigned to client – Payment for the goods was made, or the parties are acting in good faith; original is required.

  4. Consigned to forwarder with freight prepaid – Normally no action is required, and freight is collect to the consignee; if on file, surrender it

  5. Express B/L – Some forwarders may not require the OBL.

Read the OBL carefully:

  • Is payment of freight required?

  • Does the amount of collect freight make sense?